Search Engine Optimisation

Grow wellness traffic that consistently converts

Forget about ranking for that one favourite term. Instead, build a wellness destination on the web that attracts a consistent flow of organic visitors who are ready to buy.

Your path to sustainable growth

Tired of chasing elusive search engine rankings? Of hoping for spikes in traffic that are few and far between and which never seem to result in conversions?

It’s time to shift gears and embrace a new approach to SEO.

At PushButton we’re not just about climbing the search engine ladder. We’ll help you build a digital destination that attracts ready-to-buy visitors consistently.

We’re small, but we get big results

Benefit from a personalized, consultative service. We know that your budget may not match that of a corporate giant and that your team might be lean. That’s where we come in. By planning strategically and leveraging the power of AI we help wellness businesses like yours thrive in the digital era.

Tailor-made strategy

Get a bespoke SEO solution for your wellness business that focuses on real results, not on rankings.

Rock solid SEO expertise

Trust a team with over 16 years’ experience of optimising websites for SEO and tracking their performance.

High-performing content

Attract a steady stream of organic visitors who are not just browsing but ready to make a purchase.

Grow your online presence effectively and authentically

Stop buying useless SEO audits and linkbuilding packages. Instead, let’s work together to unlock your brand’s full potential and drive tangible results.

  • SEO strategy
  • Website technical optimisation
  • Content planning and creation
  • Copywriting
  • Conversion optimisation

Ready to make organic search your most profitable channel?

Don’t let your competitors get there first. Fill out the short form below and Jamie will be in touch to arrange a free, no-obligation consultation.

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Your questions about how we do Search Engine Optimisation answered…

We’ve been designing and executing SEO campaigns in a wide range of industries for over 16 years but we’ve been specialising in the wellness industry for the past three years. We’ve helped wellness centres, massage businesses, acupuncturists, shamanic healers, yoga teachers and gyms build valuable online presence, attract more high-quality organic search traffic and generate more revenue from search.

The cornerstone of all our strategies is identifying which search terms are used by people who are ready to buy your products and services, and then building high-quality content which brings them to your site and converts them into customers.

This is not only a highly effective approach but it’s also sustainable, since it doesn’t do anything that Google and the other major search engines are likely to frown upon, and so your chancves of being penalised by them at some future date is virtually nil.

Beware companies offering to build thousands of links to your website for not very much money – these tactics might work in the short run but in a few years you might be paying lots more money to get these links removed.

Quality content naturally attracts links from social media and other websites. But we can also help you get your content featured on popular wellness websites (and create bespoke content which shows off your expertise and uniqueness specifically for this purpose).

Strategies will vary in the details according to the exact nature of your business. But generally, we always start by sitting down with you to identify the customers (or other audiences) that you want to attract more of. Then we build profiles of these customers by digging through Google’s data to work out what search terms they’re using at different stages of the buying journey.

Then we usually assess your existing website and content against these profiles, identifying where your current efforts are falling short. After making any technical fixes needed to ensure your website is set up to succeed with the search engines, and that you have the tracking in place to measure your performance, we’ll build out a whole load of new content.

This new content won’t just be designed to perform well in search engine results for the search terms your customers are using. It will also help generate new enquiries and sales by showing how you solve their problems, answering their questions and motivating them to take action.

Of course. We’d love to help.

This all depends on how much work we’d need to deliver to help you reach your goals. We’ve achieved very good results for smaller clients spending just a few hundred pounds with us by going after a small number of niche search terms that nevertheless generate conversions.

If you’re ambitions are greater, then you’ll need to spend more.

Get in touch and we’d be very happy to have a chat about how we could help you and what kind of budget you’d need to see real results.

Some of our SEO specialties…